Acupuncture is a 3000 year old form of healing. It was mostly done bases on energetics and the theory of rebalancing the body in order for the body to heal itself. Many acupuncture points correspond to trigger points, muscle planes and areas where veins, arteries, nerves, or lymphatics can be located. Acupuncture can trigger neurohormonal (endorphin among others) release as proven in scientific studies. Despite some of the advances we have in understanding how this method of healing works there is still a lot that is unknown but it is widely accepted as another treatment modality for pain. Those most comfortable with it can also use it for problems beyond muscular skeletal ones.
At Animal Haven, acupuncture and complementary medicine are used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It can help treat problems when no definitive diagnosis can be made. Animals tolerate it very well and some really enjoy it. There are some instances where it would need to be use with caution or not at all such as if a patient is pregnant or has cancer. That doesn’t however mean that herbal therapies cant be used for cancer when acupuncture cannot. Although often tried as a treatment of last resort it can often have a profound effect and greatly increase a pets quality of life.
In particular, Acupuncture is being used in conjunction with body manipulation in horses where a problem is present but no one has been able to make a diagnosis. We have seen animals feel a lot better and even have attitude changes. This is an option which may require long term therapy so call to see if special packages are available.